- The body managing private nursery schools is not the Public Administration but is made up of third parties such as social Cooperatives or private actors. The structural, organisational and functional requirements of private nursery schools are the same as municipal ones, as outlined in Regional Law n.19/2017. Some private nursery schools offer placements affiliated with the Unione Terre d’Argine, that apply the attendance fees decided by the Administration.
• Cipì - via Don D. Albertario 3, Carpi
• Colorado - traversa San Giorgio 16/A, Carpi
• Nido Clotilde - traversa San Giorgio 41, Carpi
• Mamma Nina (until 36 months) - Parrocchia Nativita' B.V. Maria Via Mare Ionio 6/C, Carpi
• Paul Harris - via Curta Santa Chiara 20, Carpi
• Re Mesina - via Remesina Esterna 5, Carpi
• Nido d'infanzia Gargallo (12-36 months) - via Chiesa Gargallo 12, Carpi - The territory of the Unione Terre d’Argine offers early sections (for children between 2-3 years of age) in private pre-schools:
• Figlie della Provvidenza - for children from 24 to 36 months - via Bollitora Interna 203/A, Carpi
• Maria Stella - for children from 24 to 36 months - via Grandi 37, Novi di Modena - Two home services, known as small educational groups authorized to operate, are currently active (Regional Law n. 19/2016; Regional Directive n. 1564/2017). These are supplementary educational services that accommodate a group of children (maximum 7 for age 0-36 months; maximum 8 for age 12-36 months) with the presence of an educator supported by an other one, in specifically planed spaces, characterized by structural requirements that allow to organise the service at home.
• PGE Primi Passi - for children from 4 to 36 months - via C. Lugli n. 5, tel. 059 7106084 - 348 5638424
• PGE Les Nounous 1 - for children from 12 to 36 months - via Malpighi n. 5, tel. 347 4891675
• PGE Les Nounous 2 - for children from 12 to 36 months - via Fratelli Bellelli, n. 6-8, tel. 347 4891675