
Flauto Magico nursery school is located in via O. Vecchi next to S. Neri pre-school, the building was inaugurated in March 2010. Upon entering, there is a common area, which is used during different daily moments by small groups of children for game settings mainly of movement and construction, with clothes, boxes and other big materials. From here you access to the three sections of the nursery school, that are divided into two spaces, in addition to the bathroom. Sections’ spaces are organized into centers of interest, set up with furniture and materials that can change over the time and are according to the curiosities, interests, social relationships and intimate needs of children. Within the sections you can find natural and recyclable materials too, that promote very interesting experiences of handling and exploration. There are also areas dedicated to lunch, afternoon snack and the sleep of the children.
There is also an atelier, which is characterized by the presence of different materials, here the children can access in small group, especially for handling and creative experiences.
The nursery school is surrounded by a beautiful garden, designed and planed by educators and families, with very few structured furnishings but with multiple game and discovery situations, feasible thanks to natural elements (the natural labirinth, small fruit trees on which you can climb, a hill, a weeping willow, logs that define game spaces and situations, a vegetable garden, a sandbox, ...). Children daily live in the natural environment, during different seasons and through many game opportunities and learnings.
To stay outside means to be able to experience motor autonomy, to do ''truly'' and not just ''make-believe'', collecting what nature offers in every specific day and moment, touching, smelling, hearing, experimenting spaces for small and large movements together few or many friends, choosing between several options. This context, daily lived, contributes in a very positive way to promote children well-being.



Families and participation

Families participation in the nursery school's life is achieved through different modes: assemblies, parents-school individual talks, the section meetings, the Nursery school Board, workshops and parties testify to the wealth of opportunities for interaction, discussion and sharing. In addition to these chances, by joining the Special Agent 006 Association, the Nursery school Board and families can activate special and transversal missions: projects and activities aimed at enriching the educational experience, play materials and project proposals for the children.

tenda sonora partecipazione famiglie partecipazione famiglie
partecipazione famiglie partecipazione famiglie partecipazione famiglie