The project "Focus 06 a community for the children well-being", which lasts two years, has been selected at national level by the Social Enterprise Con i Bambini through the "0/6 Early Childhood announcement".
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"ORE OutdooR Education" is an Erasmus project, lasting two years, aimed at increasing the teachers' skills about outdoor experiences.
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The project SPECIAL AGENT 006 - How a community can be a quality agent, promoted by the Educational and Scholastic Services of the Unione Terre d’Argine, submitted its proposal to the tender connected to the Regional Law n. 3/2010, aimed at developing the participatory processes, and came in second place amongst the 64 projects that reached the evaluation stage (Resolution n. 14153/2015 of the Regional Committee).
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Erasmus+ is the EU’s Programme to support education, training, youth and sport (2014-2020) which allows, through EU funding, opportunities for study, training, comparison, working or voluntary experiences abroad. Every year scholastic organizations can participate in an announcement in order to present specific projects of mutual exchange with other EU schools, constituting a partnership to share best practices and experiences.
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In the 2015-2016 school year, the Pedagogic Coordinating Body of the 0/6 services (municipal and affiliated) of the Unione Terre d’Argine promoted the project "It’s like this… if we want it to be 2.0" to follow in the footsteps of the previous programme, and is dedicated to elaborating the themes contained in the Vademecum of the parents’ representative.
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In the 2014-2015 school year, the Pedagogic Coordination of 0/6 services (municipal and affiliated) of the Unione Terre d’Argine has promoted the project ''It’s like this… if we want it to be''.