Titolo Agente speciale 006The project SPECIAL AGENT 006 - How a community can be a quality agent, promoted by the Educational and Scholastic Services of the Unione Terre d’Argine, submitted its proposal to the tender connected to the Regional Law n. 3/2010, aimed at developing the participatory processes, and came in second place amongst the 64 projects that reached the evaluation stage (Resolution n. 14153/2015 of the Regional Committee).

The project is a continuation of the projects that had already been activated in recent years on the theme of citizen/user involvement, and proposes the inclusion of the community in defining a set of guidelines capable of increasing and promoting the active participation of citizens to 0/6 services of the Unione Terre d’Argine. Families, teachers, educators and childcare service managers will be called to take part in this objective, as will every other citizen or subject who is interested in contributing to the quality of the 0/6 services.