Sergio Neri pre-school is located in a residential neighbourhood, next to the Flauto Magico nursery school.
The premises are large, welcoming and well-lit. The school offers many indoor and outdoor spaces that provide multiple varied opportunities for experiences and play.
Upon entering, there is a large square-hall, from which the other school rooms are accessed. This shared space allows children of different ages and in small groups to be able to meet and play together during some moments of the day. This is also the place where families meet and share moments of daily life, events and parties.
Three sections overlook this area and host children of different ages. Each section is organised in two rooms and a bathroom, set up as centres of interest with materials which, through time and depending on the different project paths, are changed, enriched and articulated in different ways.
Therefore, the furniture and materials are organised with flexibility, to comply to the changing interests that children express over the school year.
In the school we also find a small hall functioning as a gym, with wide windows overlooking the garden, a large mirror and specific materials to encourage psychomotor, musical, expressive and body experiences, which is used daily by small groups of children. Facing the little gym there is a big studio, where multiple natural materials and recyclables are kept, destined for graphic-pictorial activities and for pleasant scientific and creative experiences.
The large school garden, with shaded areas, offers children opportunities for movement and discovery, becoming a place for significant experiences and learning.
The sections are organised in mixed groups by age and the educational plan is according to age and skills. This kind of organisation supports both the personal development of skills and group learning and promotes he growth of the school-group as an educating community, where each child can choose according to his own personal aptitudes and activities.
The school collaborates closely with the territory and nursery school and pre-schools nearby, for a seamless education. It is possible to reach nearby educational opportunities on foot, while the bus is used for educational tours to the nearby cities of Carpi and Modena. Every year, workshops and thematic courses are planned, and can also be attended by families.
families and participation...
Families participation in the school's life is achieved through different modes: assemblies, parents-school individual talks, the section meetings, the School Board, workshops and parties testify to the wealth of opportunities for interaction, discussion and sharing. In addition to these chances, by joining the Special Agent 006 Association, the School Board and families can activate special and transversal missions: projects and activities aimed at enriching the educational experience, play materials and project proposals for the children.
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